Wednesday, August 24, 2005

salmon eggs

salmon eggs
Originally uploaded by jleeody.
This frying pan holds the eggs for one silver salmon.

They are fried in butter and garlic.
Served on crackers.

One of the teachers I work with actually knows what to do with a live fish to make it food.

Yesterday she cut and gutted a fish. She froze the peices. She took out the eggs.

Today the eggs were fried and promtly eaten.

I may not be able to eat things with bones.
Or things in their homes.

But eggs, eggs I can eat.
Plus, you eat them with crackers.
I love things that go on crackers.

This is now my favorite strange food so far.

I like my fish on Rye bun with Frisch's tartar sauce. UM
yum, tartar sauce.
i miss the cincinnati goodness.
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