Sunday, May 08, 2011

On the Road Again

Once again I seem to leaving on a jet plane. Flying away to destinations unknown.
Leaving to States with nothing but a backpack and a ticket.
And an ipod.
And some my laptop.
And significantly more random silly things than I actually need.

I am leaving again. This time just for a couple of weeks.
This time to India.

Though I have done shockingly little writing lately, I am determined to make the next few weeks different.
There will be pictures and stories and possibly puppies.
Though this time not in soup.

I look forward to reading! it's been 3 days... POST SOMETHING!!! :) love you
it might be three days for you, but with the time change and the jet lag and the fact that i lost nearly a day on the planes...
it feels much more like a day an a half to me!
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