Sunday, November 12, 2006

Change is in the air

The weather here is quickly changing.
Everywhere I look I see signs of winter. Signs things are moving towards that chilly season that Alaska is known for.

Last week I took this picture of the beach. Those large rock-like things are actually big chunks of ice.

Now this week I took a walk out on the beach and found that the scene was a hell of a lot different.
There was a quarter mile of ice extending from the beach out to sea.

You could just barely see a thin strip of water far out in the distance. Water splashing up onto the ice.

A friend of mine and I played chick on the frozen ocean. Dared to venture farther and farther out over possibly thin ice. We got about 30 feet out before common sense took over and we decided not to continue the game.

But, for the record, I won.

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