Saturday, March 25, 2006

dancing queens

dancing queen
Originally uploaded by jleeody.
Today was the fifth and final new-teacher inservice.
The last culture class.
We watched a video about Eskimo dancing, discussed the different types of celebrations, and were treated to a buffet of culturally common foods.

There were plates of dried salmon, vats of caribou stew, and Eskimo ice cream (which is actually a misnomer owing to the fact that it is not cold and contains no cream. Only crisco, berries and fish parts)

To end the day, we wrote and performed our very own Yu’pik dance.
Ours was entitled “weather permitting” and told the heart wrenching story of how we tend to travel… slowly.

Here is a shot of Jodie and I, hamming it up.

Sounds fun! I'm a first year teacher in the Mississippi delta. We don't get to do any such fun activities, unless you count dodging flying desks and confiscating pellet guns.
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