Thursday, November 10, 2005

Billy is good for something

Funny story.

In 2000 The Gates Foundation put a large sum of money toward our school district.
The Gates Foundation was, of course, created by that lovable billionaire, the owner of Microsoft.

A few short years later Lower Kuskokwim School District spent an extensive amount of money purchasing Apple iBooks for every of the several hundred staff members within the district.

I just thought that was funny…

If I were up there I'd write story on that.
How's the school justify spending taxpayers' money on iBooks? Oh well, I guess the state will make that money back when they forcibly remove all the oil from the Artic Wildlife Refuge.
NOTE: Sorry Jody, that I use your BLOG as an outlet for personal agendas.
Every school in every district in every state must spend taxpayer's money on computers for the classroom.
here in the alaskan bush a computer for the classroom needs to be a laptop.
many schools have limited space and the teachers move from classroom to classroom, plus we are constantly moving around the district. laptops are the best tech for the teachers here.

i undersatnd your outrage, but every teacher needs to have access to this tech.

plus, ibooks... cute...
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